Title | Topics |
Compilers | Overview of the Internals of Modern Compilers, Optimizations and Intrinsics |
Modern Hardware | Overview of Modern Microprocessors and Instruction Sets |
Programming Languages | Overview of Programming Languages and Paradigms |
Integrated Development Environments | Build Systems (CMAKE, Ninja), Version Control (Git), IDEs (Visual Studio) |
Fortran | Experiences of Migrating Code from Fortran to C++ |
C++ Introduction | The C++ Language and the Standard Library by Selected Examples |
C++ Templates | Introduction to Template Metaprogramming in C++ |
C++ N-body simulation | Optimization Study of the N-body Simulation |
C++ Outlook | Outlook to the Future of C++ and Some Useful Libraries |
Introduction to GPU programming | GPU Hardware, APIs, Detailed OpenCL Example |
Introduction to the Theoretical Foundations of Modern Programming | Overview of Lambda Calculus, Type Theory and Category Theory |
Introduction to Functional Programming Concepts | Functors, Monads, Folds/Unfolds, Recursion Schemes |
Title | Topics |
Hardware for End Users | Companies, Products, General Considerations |
Development Environments and Tools | Powershell, Windows Subsystem for Linux, Chocolate, CMAKE, Visual Studio Code |
Gentle Introduction to C++ | Introduction to C++ for people with C background |
Algorithms in C++ | Examples of Uses of C++ Algorithms |
Parallelism in C++ | Overview and Example Usage of C++ Parallel Programming Constructs |
Optimization | Overview of Simple Optimization Considerations in C++ |
Visualization | Overview of Graphics Concepts, Rendering and Libraries (Cairo and OpenGL)/td> |
Introduction to python I. | Python Language and Basics |
Introduction to python II. | Introduction to Numpy, Matplotlib and Numba |
General Purpose GPU Programming | Overview of GPU APIs |
The SYCL Standard and the ComputeCpp Implementation | Overview of the SYCL Standard and its Programming Concepts |
Title | Topics |
Fejlesztői eszközök, Windows és a Linux Alrendszer | Development tools, Windows and the Linux Subsystem |
C++ kódanalízis és kapcsolódó eszközök | C++ code analysis and related tools |
Analitikus függvények közelítő numerikus módszerei | Approximate numerical methods for analythic functions |
A Jupyter keretrendszer bemutatása | Introduction to the Jupyter framework |
Title | Topics |
Machine learning bevezető | Introduction to machine learning |
Neurális Hálók alapjai | Neural network basics |
Képklasszifikáció deep learning segítségével | Image classification with deep learning |
Gépi tanulás alkalmazása az emberi tanulás megértésében | Using machine learning to understand human learning |
Agyműködés modellezése a gépi tanulás módszereinek segítségével | Brain modeling with the aid of machine learning method |
Nyelvi reprezentáció tanulása | Language representation learning |
Adversarial tanítás neurális hálózatokban | Adversarial learning in neural networks |
A megértés megértése | Understanding understanding |
Neurális Programindukció és Programszintézis | Neural program induction and program synthesis |